Sunday, September 6, 2009

Welcome to a new day

It is so easy to give in to pain and the misery that comes from the pain you suffer everyday. But we know we all have people who love us and to be honest would give anything to take away our pain but is that what we would want them to do? Honestly we would not let them suffer day after day while not being able to find a "fix". I have had the surgery and got relief for two weeks and then back to square one. Take the love your family offers and embrace yourself in it like a warm cloak because there are some days that is all we have and that might be the relief we need. A hug, a cuddle during the day, or a kiss from your child. Love is a good relief strategy.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lazy Days

It is a shame in Sunny California when Chiari has knocked a loop so big it is difficult to get around. Days at the beach with the sand between the toes are few. The trips to Texas with camping and horseback riding are less frequent but on a positive note you learn who is willing to take Journeys with you and that is where you learn who your friends are.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chiari and Doctors

The biggest obstacle I have found with Chiari is doctors and lack of communication. Sometimes I think the best cure for describing this pain to a doctor would be to take an Anvil and drop it on a doctors head. Let them carry that on their head for a week or so then they would understand the constant pain associated with Chiari.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Chiari, The diagnosis

The first time I went to a neuroligist for migraines and was told "I have good news and bad news, good news is you dont have brain cancer but the bad news is your need brain surgery." That was my introduction to the world of Chiari. There are aches and pains that we encounter everyday and will continue to adapt and overcome.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome to Chiari

Hi, This is an introduction to what a day in the life of the average Chiari patient is like. Generally we have aches pains and I am here to let you know that we have a place to share our thoughts and you are not alone.